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Monday, 30 August 2010
About Bob Frassinetti
Topic: Bob Frassinetti

Don Frassinetti, el Hombre que no tuvo infancia.

Don Frassinetti, el Hombre que no tuvo infancia. El Mayor coleccionista de Juguees Industra Nacional. Revista ventitres. 3/8/2006 Año 9 numero 421. Por Diego Rojas

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items are from 30 Aug 2010.

Posted by frassinetti at 11:27 AM EDT
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Las construcciones de lujo se mudan al interior
Topic: Art Toy Museum Gallery

Las construcciones de lujo se mudan al interior

31/07/10 Si bien Buenos Aires es el principal destino de las inversiones, las constructoras tienen en la mira a Córdoba, Rosario y Mendoza.




Atraídas por el buen momento que atraviesan algunas economías regionales, las desarrolladoras inmobiliarias pusieron el foco en varias provincias del interior del país. A la par que decae levemente el interés en la Capital Federal, gran parte de las inversiones en construcciones de alta gama previstas para este año estarán destinadas a Rosario, Córdoba y Mendoza, según indica un estudio realizado por la CEDU (Cámara Empresaria de Desarrolladores Urbanos), al que accedió iEco. El objetivo, dicen en el mercado, es capitalizar el ascenso del complejo sojero rosarino, el del sector automotriz cordobés y el boom de los vinos mendocinos.

De acuerdo con la CEDU, un 42% de las constructoras está desarrollando principalmente barrios privados, country clubs y condominios. Distintas fuentes interpretan que ese porcentaje, hoy, es tan alto porque fue favorecido por dos factores principales: la ausencia de crédito para la clase media y el aumento en el valor de las propiedades. De este modo, sólo los sectores de alto poder adquisitivo pueden volcar sus excedentes en el mercado inmobiliario.

Si bien la Capital Federal aún se mantiene como principal destino para invertir en ladrillos y construcciones premium (41%), el interior ya se posicionó como una buena alternativa. Danilo Antoniazzi, gerente institucional de la CEDU, dice: “No es un dato menor el crecimiento de la construcción en el interior con relación a la zona históricamente más elegida para invertir que es Buenos Aires, y que la diferencia sea sólo de 5 puntos”. Claudia Armesto, consultora de la Cámara, completa el cuadro desde el punto de vista de las constructoras: “La mano de obra más barata y un valor más bajo de los terrenos, que además gozan de buenas ubicaciones, son elementos que determinan una mayor rentabilidad en esas plazas”.

Del total de los nuevos emprendimientos, Córdoba capital concentra el 9%; Rosario, el 5%, y Mendoza, otro tanto. Pero por sí sola, la capital mediterránea y sus alrededores representó en marzo nada menos que el 26% de la superficie a edificar en todo el país. “Córdoba, en 2009, tuvo más metros cuadrados para construir que Buenos Aires, y viene teniendo una explosión de desarrollo muy grande”, resume Ariel Turkie, un alto ejecutivo de la desarrolladora TGLT.
Para este ejecutivo, la zona se destaca por la buena respuesta del agro postsequía, la recuperación de la actividad económica de los últimos años (particularmente la industria automotriz), más la explosión demográfica impulsada por las universidades, lo que “facilitó la canalización de parte de esos excedentes hacia la construcción residencial”.


Rosario, a su vez, también se posiciona como una de las ciudades más atractivas dentro del mercado de real estate argentino. Desde la desarrolladora TGLT, el arquitecto Francisco Jorge indica que ese distrito no estaba acostumbrado, como Buenos Aires, a generar grandes proyectos. “En un comienzo, se trataba de emprendimientos de un máximo de 4.000 m2. Hoy se habla de proyectos de 40.000 y hasta 60.000. De los 30 grandes proyectos que se estamos realizando, seis están en Rosario”.

Con las edificaciones de lujo que están proyectadas, algunos se ilusionan con la posibilidad de que Rosario tenga su propio Puerto Madero. El emblema de tal ilusión es el desarrollo de Puerto Norte, un desafío que contempla el reciclado de gran parte de silos y edificios del siglo XIX, más otros nuevos, que va transformando el antiguo puerto industrial en un barrio residencial, caracterizado por sus vistas al río y su cercanía al centro.
Según los especialistas, el boom rosarino se debe al sostenido crecimiento que viene registrando el complejo agroganadero regional en los últimos años. Esos “agrodólares” se vuelcan a la compra de construcciones premium, “un segmento que además tenía escasa oferta”, según resume la consultora Claudia Armesto.

Aporte estatal

En parte, las construcciones de lujo se expanden por impulso de la planificación estatal. En 2007, la Municipalidad rosarina creó un plan de desarrollo que permitió sentar las bases para un planeamiento a largo plazo. Desde TGLT, aseguran que este “master plan” fue el que permitió diseñar lo que hoy se denomina Forum Puerto Norte.

Pero hay otras áreas del país que atraen inversiones. En la Patagonia, por ejemplo, es el sector energético (sueldos altos más radicación de empresas extranjeras con sus ejecutivos) el que tracciona al mercado inmobiliario. “Vemos a la Patagonia con un altísimo potencial de desarrollo y hoy su crecimiento es exponencial debido al desarrollo energético”, indica Daniel Jesús Sáez, responsable de marketing de la desarrolladora ASPA.
“Neuquén es un lugar con un poder adquisitivo efectivo”, agrega Daniel Mintzer, socio director de la G&D Developers, otra de las constructoras muy activas en la región.


Invest in Argentina.

Posted by frassinetti at 1:09 PM EDT
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Tienda de Regalos y Compras On-Line
Topic: News
El Buenos Aires Toy Museum sabe lo importante que fueron, tanto para la vida de miles y miles de usuarios como para quienes los crearon, aquellos artículos que han hecho historia en nuestro país; vehículos, juguetes, muñecas, figuritas, vestimentas, electrodomésticos y cientos de objetos más se convirtieron en íconos nacionales que marcaron épocas de nuestro pasado. Por eso es que decidimos establecer un servicio que atienda estas necesidades particulares. Nuestro museo se honra en dar a conocer la posibilidad de organizar producciones y reproducciones a escala de juguetes y artículos a pedido, tanto en lo que respecta a líneas masivas de merchandising como a réplicas coleccionables. Para más información visite nuestra sección Tienda de Regalos.
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, el Museo del Juguete Argentino. El Primer Museo Argentina en la web desde 1996.

Posted by frassinetti at 11:58 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 May 2010 1:12 PM EDT
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Mazinger Z Argentina
Topic: Maxinger Z Argentina
Mazinger Z Robot Argentina
Mazinger Z Robot Argentina: Robot's from Argentina. During the last few decades, toy robots have regained popularity because of the new impulse given by collectible space items. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum holds a spectacular collection of robots made or found in Argentina, as well as a very interesting input of information on the subject. This huge task of collecting and searching information is the result of a very hard work carried on by our team of specialists. It may seem simple to define a robot, most of us would describe the first of those metallic invented creatures as one, though it's quite more complicated to come up with a general definition for robots, since there are quite a lot of variations and differences among them, which make much more complicated to come up with a general definition. The word Robot became popular in 1922 when the Czech writer Karel Capek used it in his play R.U.R to refer to a bunch of animated creatures -created by the leading man of the story- whose main task was to work. Etymologically the word meant slave or servant in Czech, but it was redefined because of this new meaning as a servant or salve that was specially created to work instead of its creator. As a general approach to the subject we can say that robots are machines or devices that move independently, they might be defined as a combined and mechanical system of computation and sensors that receive information through various means in order to act on it through pre-established technical or physical maneuvers. Nowadays there are many types of robots that adjust to this general definition. For example androids; these look alike humans, are what we usually refer to as robots. However there are much more robots than we acknowledge as such, take for example the mobiles, these machinery that has the ability to move from one place to another independently of an immediate indication from outside, are also robots in spite of the fact that they don' t have any esthetical similarity to humans. The medical ones are specially prosthesis control systems. And the industrial robots, very common in these days, are machinery specially designed to carry on pre-established tasks within the working places. In spite of all the esthetic and functional differences, all these robots share a common origin and mechanism. It's quite interesting to find scale reproductions of each and every one of these robots with which millions of children play and that many adults collect because of their cultural, historical and esthetic value. Regarding robots history, it was very common to hear during the fifties that by the next millenium there would be intelligent creatures created by man. This hasn't happened, nonetheless the amount of scientific progress in this field it's bringing much closer the possibility of that to happen. As it happens in every other aspect of life, toys have reflected the boom of robots. At first the design of these toys showed hard angled lines using clockwork mechanisms. Japanese wind-up tin robots from early 30s and 40s are the last expression of that esthetic trend in robot design. These toys were mostly made in tin, though it was during mid 50s and 60s when plastic became the newest material in toy manufacturing, and was also incorporated into the toy robot production and design. During was is commonly known as the Atomic Era and -may be- as a reflection of the competition between the US and the URSS those hard lines in the design of toy robots were left behind, now they used rounded edges and smoother lines, plus this toys had become battery operated. It was during the sixties when these androids appearance evolved into more human features, but paradoxically it was also then when the demand for these kind of toys dropped dramatically. These amazing pieces of art, that once were the best possible present for kids, are now greatly valued collectible toys, because of their esthetic and design, the technical evolution of the itema, and because, of course, they are a trade mark of a time in men's history. In honor to this, the Buenos Aires Toy Museum includes a special permanent exhibition on Toy Robots showing defined high quality photos on the items, plus a great deal of information on the subject both for the collector and the curious net surfer. . For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. and keep updated with our Toy Museum Blog and News . Press here to go to the Toy Museum Blog:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.
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Mazinger Z Argentina 
Mazinger Z is a manga cartoon created by Go Nigai in 1972 for a magazine called Shonen Jump. Though this wasn't the first manga ever, it is somewhat considered to be the stepping stone for this art movement. It was first published as a magna comic. 13 volumes through 1972-1973 told this Robot's and friends' stories and adventures. Soon after that this manga would become an international success and it was during the late 80s when it was adapted for the American television as a sort of animated cartoon. Being the first manga done specifically for a U.S. release. Mazinger was also know as Kurogane No Shiro (The Fortress of Iron), TranZor Z (U.S. name), Great Mazinger. The story narrated in Mazinger Z is that of two archeologists who discovered the remains of a previous society, an advanced civilization who had developed the ability of building gigantic robots and maneuvering them too. The two archeologists, Dr. Hell and Dr. Kabuto interpret the potentialities of that great discovery differently. The first one aims to take advantage of these robots in order to conquer the world, the other, is not willing to have his discovery used for evil purposes. They would set apart and meanwhile Dr. Hell is willing to take his evil plan to the last consequences, even killing Dr. Kabuto, this last one has a back up plan. He builts a robot for good and teaches his grandson Koji Kabuto how to maneuver it before he's killed by Dr. Hell. That robot built by Dr. Kabuto is Mazinger Z, for it was built with a special material known as Z alloy. Mazinger Z is an 18 meter tall robot, piloted by a human. It has "Photon Rocket beams" able to fire from its eyes and rocket fists. Mazinger was controlled from the Pilder Hovercraft, located in his head. Mazinger was far more agile thanks to the humanly controlled pilder, however this bond meant also that the robot's injuries in return hurted the pilot too. For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. and keep updated with our Toy Museum Blog and News . Press here to go to the Toy Museum Blog:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

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Posted by frassinetti at 2:08 PM EDT
Saturday, 22 May 2010
eBay and MercadoLibre with the Toy Museum
Topic: Auction On Line

MercadoLibre in all South America

Topic: Auction Mercado Libre from Toys to Art, from Arts to Antiques, no item is to small or BIG.

eBay and MercadoLibre with The Buenos Aires Toy Museum and Bob Frassinetti

Work with me from eBay and all the way with Mercado Libre here in Argentina as well as other Countries in South America.

Interested in Mercado Libre here in Argentina, I can help you. Press this Link







eBay link to Bob Frassinetti, art & antique dealer. Press this Link. 


You can also Join my eBat Group:

Welcome to Travel Argentina for Antiques and Art
Welome art and antique dealers and travellers looking for information on Buenos Aires and all Argentina,...eBay Group ptrdd this link: Travel Argentina for Antiques and Art with Bob Frassinetti

Location:  La Lucila, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Born/ Birthday:  24 February, 1955
Bio:  My name is Roberto Dario Frassinetti. Art & Antique Dealer & Journalist. My friends all call me Bob Frassinetti. ( ex Mount St. Mary's College (UK) ) I in my early fifties and because I love art and antiques Ie been developing several collectibles oriented projects and Developments


Buy on line on eBay’s affiliate here in Argentina and other South America countries, MercadoLibre….  

Bob Frassinetti Arts and Antiques Team Procedure & Fees

Welcome! We buy items on MercadoLibre in all South America auction sites/online shops on your order. All you have to do is to tell us what you want, where it is and we will do all the work for you. Enjoy exploring for rare items in South America!

Please send us an email with the website link of the item (either on auction sites or on regular online shops) and the maximum price you are willing to pay for the item. We will try to get the item for you. If we get the item successfully, we will ask you to pay for the fees (commission, and cost of the item). As soon as we confirm your payment, we will contact the seller. We'll let you know the cost of the shipment (international either local mail, to Fed Express UPS or even direct Air Freight or Cargo) an aprox before purchasing the item. Pay for the shipment. And the item is on the way!

Commission: go from as low as 5% to a 10%, 20, 30% of the item price and up, all depends what’s its cost, it’s not the same work to buy you a “trading card” to buying you a “Old Steam Engine” or a “Vintage Car or Motorcycle” or a condominium in “Buenos Aires, Punta del Este or Villa de Tulumba”.
The actual cost: the item, plus domestic shipment (by whatever means available and recommended), and plus then international shipment (converted into US dollar or the Euro, using our specified exchange rate). More Information email us, Bob Frassinetti and the Buenos Aires Art and Antique Team: admin@frassinetti.com  


Interests:  The first project: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, I began to work on was the oy museum I found myself finding in flea markets, fairs and old toy shops beautiful and rare toys made in Argentina about which there was no information available. I looked everywhere until I found out that I couldn find it ause it didn exist. All the amazing Argentine made toys I collected were made during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, and unlike other countries in the world who worry about their history and cultural legacy, we s a society- have let them in forget. So at the same time I collected vintage and antique toys I began to develop a research group who was in charge of finding all loose pieces available to complete the puzzle of the Argentinean toy industry history. The result has been so far not only encouraging but amazing, for besides of understanding the true nature of some of our most marvellous items, Ie had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing many of the most outstanding Argentinean industrials. The Museum has grown ever since I blended the objects with the information about them. And it has become to be the first virtual museum on Argentinean toys in the country and in Latin America. The feedback wee received throughout these incredible years of hard and hearted work have gave us strength and passion to keep on developing what so far is has come to be a brilliant idea. At the same time the Museum grew and I began to discover the richness in Argentina cultural and social history through means of one of its material productions: toys. A ticking question my toy oriented research unveiled was that every culture reflexes their vision of the world through their objects, and I found out that many American models that were been produced in Argentina were been adapted to the Latin American cultural public. So I began to wonder about how an immigrant built country objects would reflect this, and it has been quite a great surprise, the blend of the indigenous, colonial and immigrant cultures is superb down here and the objects these past generations have left us are outstanding. This is how ArtDealer,The Buenos Aires ArtDealer, as a cultural and collectibles project began. My initial knowledge of art and antiques, and my experience with cultural research at the Museum were the foundation for Art Dealer to begin to grow. At the same time, as I kept on travelling through the bewitching scenarios of the beautiful Argentina I began to understand a bit more about that eclectic and gorgeous culture that intrigued me so much about the objects of our forefathers. Precious treasures. Hidden under the everyday life chores. To me this has been a discovering experience that has filled me with joy, and keeps on surprising me every day as a young child who begins to open up to the world marvels. When Argentina, during the 2001 crisis, began to open up to travellers from all over the world, who were coming to discover this wonderful place, I thought I had to share my experience with those who cherished culture, travelling, and discovering as much as I did. I also thought that if I were to travel overseas I love to do it the way the saying says: When in Rome, you do what Romans doand nothing better than a Roman to show you how. To share my knowledge and discoveries, I design custom made tours, not only ause I like to work on a personal basis, but because I deeply believe each of us is unique and has different interests and passions and mass produced standard culture leaves out ome times- very important things. And for Buenos Aires, as every other metropolis has something to offer to each and every one of us, likewise Argentina. Seven years have gone by now since Ie began to picture this broad cultural project, and each and every one of the days Ie worked to develop my idea have been amazing, with its ups and downs, inputs and changes of direction. I very glad and grateful to be able to do what I love most and to be able to share it with others who, as myself find this lifetime experience unique and beautiful. 


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All about Art and Antiques as well as travel information for Buenos Aires and Argentina
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina
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As well as Auction Tours here in Buenos Aires and all around Argentina.



Posted by frassinetti at 3:21 PM EDT
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Idolos en Carton por R Bitran y F Chiappini
Topic: Idolos en Carton

"Idolos en carton". Trading Card's & Album's printed in Argentina from the 1900's till the 1980's. Cards and albumes only printed here in Argentina.

 Check out LINK: Photo Gallery Idolos en CArton por Rafael Bitran and Francisco Chiappini

TODO COLOR de: 410 COLECCIONES DISTINTAS 215 TAPAS DE ALBUMES 164 SOBRES DE FIGURITAS 450 FIGURITAS DIFERENTES El libro consta de 128 páginas, es TODO COLOR y se ha realizado en papel ilustración de excelente calidad. En él entre otras tantas colecciones aparecen: BATMAN, HIJITUS, LOS BEATLES, TITANES EN EL RING, TARZAN, EL ZORRO, MARTE ATACA, LOS TRES CHIFLADOS, LA PANTERA ROSA, HE-MAN, MAZINGER, STAROSTA,


Posted by frassinetti at 3:22 PM EDT
Sunday, 16 May 2010
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum on Face Book
Topic: Toy Museum News

The Buenos Aires Toy Museum on Face Book.




Posted by frassinetti at 11:55 AM EDT
Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Topic: Toy Museum News
Porque sabemos que no hay dos clientes iguales, hemos concebido esta propuesta para aquellos que trabajan haciendo eje creatividad, en lo último y lo más novedoso.  Para causar el impacto máximo hemos concebido esta propuesta para aquellos que necesitan soluciones capaces de dotarle de la mejor presencia y de un perfil de avanzada.  Nuestros pilares son:  -        Estética y Diseño -        Creatividad enfocada a variados segmentos sociales específicos -        Cultura y Vanguardia estética   Tanto si busca nuevos clientes como si está desarrollo de una campaña comercial integrada para un cliente existente, la mejor respuesta es ésta propuesta temática elaborada a la medida y necesidad de cada evento.  Esta novedosa propuesta estética propone una aproximación a los juguetes de nuestro pasado, los juguetes de la infancia, desde una perspectiva estética que valora sus aspectos lúdicos y estéticos, de diseño y arte existentes en todos los juguetes.   La singular combinación artística y temática: juguetes y obras de arte, da nacimiento a la muestra producto de la valoración de las corrientes artísticas primordiales de los últimos dos siglos.  Los juguetes de nuestra infancia se combinan con cuadros, esculturas, grabados, etc de artistas argentinos, Latinoamericanos, estadounidenses y Europeos, para crear un único ambiente estético tanto de categoría como de vanguardia por su concepto madre único.  Este doble concepto se plasma en el display propuesto para la muestra, es decir, a partir de los muebles temáticos, en los que se dispone los juguetes retro y antiguos y las obras de arte,  manteniendo una coherencia conceptual a la vez que temática que permite desarrollar una dinámica evolutiva de su desarrollo y de las diferentes estéticas, los materiales utilizados y los modelos sociales principales de cada momento El concepto de cada muestra es único e irrepetible porque se concibe y crea a pedido de cada solicitante en función del evento.  La Muestra, el display, los cuadros, esculturas y juguetes se adaptan a las necesidades de los equipos de creativos para:  -        diferentes exposiciones -        muestras-        empresas y creativos-        promociones-        producciones televisivas y cinematográficas -        agencias de publicidad-        eventos sociales-        Vernissage-        Cocktail-        Lanzamientos-        Inaguraciones-        Fiestas Nuestro equipo trabaja coordinadamente para aportar soluciones eficaces estética y conceptualmente al evento en cuestión.   We Rent Toys in Argentina-alquiler de juguetes

Precio minimo de muestra itinerante por mueble pesos $1000.-  Cantidad minimo de muebles 3. A confirmar dia hora lugar y muebles. Saludos, Bob Frassinetti
  Próximamente el Art and Toy en 3D, el primer Museo y Gallería en 3D de la Argentina, pronto por la web,...... ........  Topic: Art Museum Gallery Próximamente el Art and Toy en 3D, el primer Museo y Gallería en la Argentina y por Bob Frassinetti junto a un grupo de Inversionistas Nacionales e Internacionales, lanzan el primer Boutique Hotel y Gallería de arte y Museo de Juguete proyectado por la zona de de la Provincia de Cordoba, Argentina. Un exitoso modelo de inversión inmobiliaria que permite ser dueño y huésped a la vez, participar no solo obteniendo una mayor rentabilidad en el alquiler de la unidad y la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios del hotel a través de una membrecía especial, pero también disfrutar to todo los servicios del lugar ............  Bob Frassinetti, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Posted by frassinetti at 1:57 PM EDT
Monday, 10 May 2010
El Primer Museo Argentina en la web desde 1996.
Topic: Toy Museum News



El Buenos Aires Toy Museum viene haciendo trabajos de investigación y recuperación de la historia cultural y social de la Argentina a través de una de las formas más expresivas de expresión social que  son sus juguetes. Reflejos de la realidad, pequeños objetos a escala que han moldeado nuestra historia, nuestro presente, nuestra infancia, y tantos otros aspectos de nuestra existencia.

Con cada avance de investigación, cada descubrimiento y cada nuevo dato que encontramos estamos más y más entusiasmados y convencidos de la importancia de el trabajo que encaramos diariamente. El feedback que recibimos de nuestros lectores y visitantes nos da aliento para seguir adelante en esta fabulosa empresa.

Es por eso que abrimos la convocatoria a todos aquellos que interesados en el tema y en la propuesta que hacemos desde el BA Toy Museum, a participar directamente en este proceso de recuperación cultural.

Diseñadores de web, documentalistas,  escritores, dibujantes y artistas interesados en participar la historieta que hemos comenzado a elaborar, redactores que quieran aportar artículos sobre temáticas afines al museo e incluso participar en la redacción de los primeros libros que estamos preparando junto a nuestro equipo de investigadores en el museo... todos aquellos que confían como nosotros en este proyecto y quieren verlo crecer y desarrollarse, que desean colaborar en la recuperación de porciones de nuestra historia como pueblo que por desdén o negligencia de quienes debieran guardar registro se puede perder,  esta es su oportunidad!

¡La convocatoria esta abierta! Solamente tenés que enviarnos un email y podrás formar parte de este maravilloso proyecto.

Buenos Aires Toy Museum es un museo virtual de juegos y juguetes

Posted by frassinetti at 2:13 PM EDT
Friday, 7 May 2010
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum Blog and News

The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, pronto! Bob Frassinetti 

Il Museo Virtuale dei Giocattoli Argentino offerte ai suoi ospiti tutto circa i giochi ed igiocattoli fatti in Argentina. Ultime mode del MUSEO ARGENTINO DEI  GIOCATTOLI.


For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the BA Toy Museum on Face Book:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, on Face Book, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2010. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

Posted by frassinetti at 4:37 PM EDT

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