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Hoy, ser dueno de un Museo es posible en Villa Devoto
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm by Buby of Argentina
Topic: Bubby
Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm by Buby of Argentina
Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm, by Buby of Argentina ........ back row: Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm, by Buby of Argentina (same size and shape and no doubt inspired by Dinky Toy 651 Centurion tank) mounted on Thornycroft Mighty Antar tank transporter, length 303 mm, Supertoy no 660 by Dinky Toys of UK middle row: Centurion tank, 1/90 scale, length 83mm, by Gamda of Israel (origins not known, suggestions welcomed ! ) mounted on Thornycroft Mighty Antar tank transporter, length 237mm, ref no 37 by Charbens of UK (This is probably the first time in 30 years that these two toys have been posed together) front row: Centurion tank, 1/140 scale, length 57mm, by Gamda of Israel mounted on Thornycroft Mighty Antar tank transporter, length 165mm by Gamda of Israel, both from ex-Kemlow / SentryBox tooling (modified). For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.
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back row:  Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm, by Buby of Argentina
back row: Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm, by Buby of Argentina  
back row: Centurion tank, 1/55 scale, length 125mm, by Buby of Argentina (same size and shape and no doubt inspired by Dinky Toy 651 Centurion tank) For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

Posted by frassinetti at 4:09 PM EDT
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Reboot TV Series + Trading Cards and Album
Topic: Trading Cards
Reboot TV Series + Trading Cards and Album
Reboot TV Series + Trading Cards and Album Did you know that Reboot came to the TV in Argentina and not only that they made the trading cards here as well as 2 different posters! Want more information,contact me,best wishes from a not so far away Argentina,Bob Frasssinetti.
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Reboot Tv series on trading cards
Reboot Tv series on trading cards 
Reboot Tv series on trading cards Printed in Argentina

Posted by frassinetti at 7:12 PM EDT
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Dueno de un Museo @MuseoJuguete
Topic: Twitter

Dueno de un Museo


Hoy, ser dueno de un Museo es posible en Villa Tulumba un Museo de Arte y Juguetes Inversión en el pasado garantiza el futuro Bob Frassinetti Real Estate

 Villa Tulumba Argentina
 Joined October 2010

Posted by frassinetti at 5:57 PM EDT
Los nuevos fideicomisos en proyectos productivos
Topic: Art Toy Museum Gallery
Los nuevos fideicomisos en proyectos productivos Son una herramienta de inversión no tradicional y permiten financiar todo tipo de emprendimientos productivos. Desde viñedos, olivares, caña de azúcar, cereales y forestación hasta el turismo sustentable en reservas naturales..... entre lo mas novedoso, "Ser Dueno de un Museo es posible! Ser Dueno de un Museo es posible Villa Tulumba"..... por mas infomacion Consulte Los fideicomisos pueden estructurarse como acuerdos entre privados o en oferta pública autorizada por la Comisión Nacional de Valores. La ventaja para el fiduciante es que se transfieren al fiduciario determinados activos de su propiedad, dejando a salvo el resto de su patrimonio, dice Rodolfo Papa, autor de Fideicomiso para abogados y contadores. Permite financiarse a un costo menor que otras alternativas más tradicionales, como los préstamos bancarios o las Obligaciones Negociables Pymes. Las pymes obtienen una calificación crediticia superior, detalla Eduardo De Bonis, socio de la consultora de asesoramiento financiero First. Al estar vinculado al flujo de fondos de la firma, como una pyme que vende a supermercados, las cuentas a cobrar que se ceden en fideicomiso pueden tener una mejor calificación a la de la propia pyme, y esto permite acceder a una tasa más conveniente, explica. Según De Bonis, la mayoría de los fideicomisos se destinan a financiar créditos al consumo por parte de cadenas de retail y, cada vez más, se están volcando al agro y firmas de infraestructura. En 2013, el mercado de fideicomisos con oferta pública fue de $ 20.000 millones, según First. El 90% estuvo vinculado a créditos de consumo y retail, hubo unos 800 millones para financiar actividades del agro y $ 150 millones para infraestructura. Un ejemplo classico,....A tal efecto, la fundación creada por el filántropo Douglas Thomkins financió la instalación de un campamento científico y otro en el que se capacita a los pobladores para la producción de artesanías y acondicionamiento de las instalaciones para recibir turismo. El fideicomiso se muestra como una herramienta con ventajas para emprendedores e inversores. Es hora de sumarlo a las clásicas opciones de comprar ladrillos o billetes verdes. Ser Dueno de un Museo es posible! Ser Dueno de un Museo es posible Villa Tulumba Villa Tulumba Latitud -30,3962708 Villa Tulumba Longitud -64,1205521 Nombre: villa tulumba, córdoba, argentina Tipo: Localidad País: Argentina Estado: Córdoba Distrito: Tulumba Localidad: Villa Tulumba Sub-Localidad: NA Closest Dirección: Villa Tulumba, Córdoba, Argentina Ser Dueno de un Museo es possible ART & Toy Museum Gallery Apartamentos Hotel en la Villa del Valley de Tulumba* por Bob Frassinetti INVERSOR EN El CORAZON DE LA ARGENTINA nuestro PROVINCIA de Córdoba. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, el Museo del Juguete Argentino. El Primer Museo Argentina en la web desde 1996. El Buenos Aires Toy Museum viene haciendo trabajos de investigación y recuperación de la historia cultural y social de la Argentina a través de una de las formas más expresivas de expresión social que son sus juguetes. Reflejos de la realidad, pequeños objetos a escala que han moldeado nuestra historia, nuestro presente, nuestra infancia, y tantos otros aspectos de nuestra existencia. Con cada avance de investigación, cada descubrimiento y cada nuevo dato que encontramos estamos más y más entusiasmados y convencidos de la importancia del trabajo que encaramos diariamente. El feedback que recibimos de nuestros lectores y visitantes nos da aliento para seguir adelante en esta fabulosa empresa. Es por eso que abrimos la convocatoria a todos aquellos que interesados en el tema y en la propuesta que hacemos desde el BA Toy Museum, a participar directamente en este proceso de recuperación cultural. Nuestro objetivo como museo es conseguir nuestro propio espacio físico. Más allá del inestimable valor que le damos al virtual, el primer museo del juguete argentino busca casa propia y lo hemos logrado! Próximamente The Buenos Aires Toy Museum on-line, se va a convertir en el primer Museo y Gallería en un complejo de Boutique Hotel y Apartamentos al estilo de un Museo Galleria sobre Arte y Juguetes en la Argentina y Bob Frassinetti junto a un grupo de Inversionistas Nacionales e Internacionales, lanzan el primer Boutique Hotel y Gallería de Arte y Museo de Juguete proyectado por la zona de Nord-oeste de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Un exitoso modelo de inversión inmobiliaria que permite ser dueño y huésped a la vez, participar no solo obteniendo una mayor rentabilidad en el alquiler de la unidad y la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios del hotel y el Museo Gallería a través de una membrecía especial, pero también disfrutar de todo los servicios del lugar ............ Museo y Gallería, Taller de Arte y Juguetes, Teatro, eventos culturales propios mas una relación intima y cercano con su ubicación geográfica y su Pueblo, la Villa del Valle de Tulumba mas todos los emites de la vida moderna desde WiFi, TV, habitaciones y departamentos de un nivel Internacional sin perder lo autónica de nuestro estilo de vida, con parque, hasta pileta climatizado, algunos otros deportes y actividades al aire libre hasta la participación en Car Rallys, Cabalgatas Gauchas, Homenajes Históricos, con fuerte envasáis de la participación con pueblos vecinos, artistas y todo la gente de la Zona* * a solo 1 hora 10 minutos del Aeropuerto Internacional Córdoba, Argentina. Por todo esto lo invitamos a ….. CONSULTE FECHA de la iniciación de INVERSORES en el ART Toy Museum Gallery Apartamentos Hotel en la Villa del Valley de Tulumba, Córdoba, Argentina INICIO de LA INVERSIÓN PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES CÓMO INVERTIR? EN QUÉ INVIERTE Art and Toy Museum Gallery and Bob Frassinetti Conact by Email: Email: admin@frassinetti.com Bob Frassinetti.

Posted by frassinetti at 12:34 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Building a Art Museum Gallery
Now Playing: Art + Toy Galler Museum Real Estate here in Argentina
Topic: Bob Frassinetti
... you have all, I am sure invested in Real Estate, but,, ever thought about
taking in a step forward,...... its might be Time! Today's erratic market, with
more downs than ups might be a benefit for us all. Real Estate here in
Argentina, looks more than a Commodity thank just putting money in
Properties,...... Today, I have developed a New Idea for Real Estate, and its
not only in Bricks, but, coned in a phrase, in Art + Bricks + Land, ......

Rockefeller once went to Europe, bought antiques, placed them in a his own
Museum, made replicas and sold those, keep the original pieces,.............

Here we go one step further, we do the same, we Buy Land, enough to Build a good
seized Gallery Museum, place our Art inside it, and the Extra is a Hip Hop like
Hotel + Apartment, with just a few rooms, one for each of our Original
Investeurs, decorated as each they wish, and then we go public, renting in out
to the ever growing numbers of travelers here in Argentina,..... Not only our
local travelers, but, also the International ones, ........

Selling our replicas and also making a by product from the Land, in this case a
Vodka from the cactus Fruit cultivated in the north of Argentina, Vodka is
becoming a special drinks, thsoe flavored with exotic tastes, ...

The Price of Land here in the North of the Provence of Cordoba is low just a
around 1500 US$ the hectare, ideal for cultivating Pear Cactus, which also can
be eaten as a fruit,......... An ideal spot, located in the Valley of the Villa
of Tulumba gives us a village some 300 years old, untouched, unexplored and with
a micro climate that makes it great for all year round visit's,..... just in its
Annual Celebartaion more than 27,000 locales visit the Village in a week!

The Village is located on the once known Royal Road to Alto Peru, where gold and
silver came down to the City of Buenos Aires to go back to the Kings of Europe
and manufactured goods and new immigration moved in, ...... Today, we can Export
Vodka to the World. Replicas of our Art Works or even Original Art Works from
Local Artist in the area, from silver to gold to art in all its forms,.........
as well as a stop in anyone's journey around Argentina!

You all know me, we have been in contact before, either on Art or Antiques or
some Collectible, or even just information that we provide for our readers on
our Blogs or Websites, so let me go a step further and tell you a bit more 
about myself, Bob Frassinetti, Enterpreneur in the World of art, art collecting
and international antiques dealer as well as free lance journalist from
Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work
on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are
neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel
Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys
made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse
Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, following like always the Dakar
Rally from 2009, 2010,2011, and again 2012! Join me now as we are "Building a
Gallery Museum in the Province of Cordoba" Real Estate Investment in Art Bricks
and Land, we are and have purchased Land for cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and
then processing it into wine and Vodka, we are Building a Gallery Museum to
Exhibit local Art and Artist as well as our exclusivity Art and Toy Museum
Collection ........ Travelling for Art and Antiques" in all South America and I
have been on line since 1996 .

Exporting Art and Antiques World Wide
Living with art and antiques and travelling the south of South Amercia.
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
San Telmo, Buenos Aires Argentina

Posted by frassinetti at 4:13 PM EST
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Proyecto Inmobiliario conjunto con un Museo Gallería y Apart–Hotel
Topic: Art Toy Museum Gallery

Gracias por todo nuestros seguidores, los que hacen  comentarios, o los que nos siguen, si, hemos estado on-line desde 1996, en tiempo virtual son muchos años, hemos avanzado pero no lo suficiente, estamos desarrollando el Museo en 3D es un trabajo adoro y complicado pero lo estamos haciendo, hemos investigado varios temas sobre Juguetes en la Argentino, Juguetes fabricados en la Argentina, y nuestros artículos están por todo la Web, en Revistas, en entrevistas para TV y Documentales,…….. hemos acercado al Mundo al tema del Juguete Argentino, con valor agregado.


Estamos en proceso de realizar planos de un edificio propio en el pueblo histórico de Villa del Valle de Tulumba, unos 12º kilómetros al norte de Córdoba Capital. Corazón de la Argentina. Es un Proyecto Inmobiliario conjunto con un Museo Gallería y Apart–Hotel,…….. inversionistas nacionales-internacionales. Un proyecto inicial sobre 3 y medio hectáreas en el Valle…….


Nuestro sueño desde todos que han trabajado o sigamos trabajando, en el Proyecto de este Museo Argentino Privado un aporte a la Cultura atreves de una visión Artístico y de Diseño  ……. estamos sumamente felices con los logros, saludos de todo el Equipo del Toy Museum  y Bob Frassinetti.



Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 1996 to 2011. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

Posted by frassinetti at 11:36 AM EST
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Muky History
Topic: Muky

Muky of Argentina is one other mystery within the history of toys made in our country. For collectors these are the Argentinean Hotwheels for the similarity with the American models. And ever since they first got hold of one of Muky’s models there’s been a constant doubt about the origin and production of these miniature wonders. Some say the castings were stole form the Mattel plant many years ago, and then brought to our southern country to begin production of a similar item under an other brand name. Some others, the most uncontroversial ones prefer to believe that the similarity is the result of some god knows what coincidences. However most of us, without choosing either solution want to know the truth for sure, whether they were stolen, sold or copied, how and where did it happen, and most of all why.


In order to solve that mystery, the Buenos Aires Toy museum, who has been working on the reconstruction of the Argentinean toy industry’s history for many years now, began to work on a deep and complicated research process. The first and foremost difficulty we had to face in advance was the lack of public or private information about this matter. Due to a contium of political and economical critical situations the registration of most industrial activities of the 60s, 70s and 80s are not much.


Confronted to the lack of records and in need of answers we began to trace down information lines we collected from fellow collector, who remembered to have heard someone saying something about Muky.


Our hard work paid off, and we were able to contact Muky’s owners with which we had the honor of interviewing.


As a result of the interview we have some new and fresh information in order to begin to solve a part of this mystery.


As most of collectors might have noticed not all Mukys are the same. Some of them are fully made out of zamac –the metal material-, some others have the lower part in plastic. This difference is mainly the result of a change not only in the technique but in the owners. That is the difference you find in the lower part, with the full metal items showing a sign that reads “Super veloz” –super fast- and the ones with metal and plastic –which actually run faster,  Induguay-. This corresponds to two different owners of the Muky company.


Among the many other differences within the models is the box and blister packages alternatives, the full blue and white package is from the second Era in the production of Muky, while the more eclectic and colorful packages belong to the first Era.


But our goal was fixed in the main mystery we were looking to solve: the castings origin. When asking Muky’s most recent owner about the castings, he replied that the newest ones –the latest numbers in the series- were made by them in Argentina with local craftsmen, who were inspired in many of the cars they saw every day on the streets. He added that many of the first models were bought together with the company already producing them. He thought the previous owners had bought them in the States and brought them to Argentina to work with. But he had no further information on the matter.


The latest input in this matter is the result of the hard and complicated work carried on by the museum’s research team on Argentinean toys. Yes, the castings were bought in the States; no, they weren’t stolen from Mattel, nor they were bought from that company. Our latest information on the matter is that back in the early 50s Mattel wasn’t producing within their plant all their castings, but they bought them from third parties. It had been this casting craftsman the one who sold those Hotwheel alike castings to Muky. They were brought to our country and set off to production.  The similarity is crystal clear, the differences appear in quality and finishing touches, as well as in the way those cars run.


Therefore, Muky of Argentina, aka the Argentinean Hotwheels share the same original castings with the Mattel diecasts, but not only where they not stolen, but they were legitimately bought and put into production.


One highlight about the Muky models is an outstanding difference with most of the 70s Argentinean diecasts, for they had produced an interesting number of concept diecast cars. A line of visionary models which were to come in the international market and that would be a design breakthrough within the industry that was anticipated in the world of toys. And one of those avant-garde companies was Muky. A highly treasured item very appreciated in the world of collectibles.




For this information is so precious to us all collectors, the Buenos Aires Toy museum is futhering on this research projects into an upcoming catalog like book, with all the latest information on the subject together with a detailed list of all Muky models available throughout its history. 






Today we are selling set's of 12 Muky die-cast toys made in Argentina,they are


# 7 Ford Sedan 1941

# 8 Lola GT Spoiler

# 9 Ford MKN Turbo

# 15 Dodge Charger

# 16 Corvette Especial

# 18 Ford MK IV

# 22 Lamborghini

# 28 Chaparral 2 G

# 32 Lancia 3000

# 35 Bomberos,Fire Chief

# 38 Vokswagen escarabajo

# 39 Ferrari 301




The full set, numbers are like this, see below, hopefully some time soon we will have them all........


# 7 Ford Sedan 1941

# 8 Lola GT Spoiler

# 9 Ford MKN Turbo

# 10 Ford G.T 40 Turbo

# 11 Chevelle SS

# 12 Licoln Continental

# 13 Arenero Muky

# 14 Lola GT 40

# 15 Dodge Charger

# 16 Corvette Especial

# 17 Casa Rodante Muky

# 18 Ford MK IV

# 19 Mac Laren M.G.A Turbo

# 20 Turbo GT- 0

# 21 Cadlilac Eldorado

# 22 Lamborghini

# 23 Cisterna Muky

# 24 Policia

# 25 Camion Jaula

# 26 Super Turbo

# 27 Furgon Muky

# 28 Chaparral 2 G

# 29 Skoda Baby

# 30 Ford Coupe 36

# 31 Volcador Muky

# 32 Lancia 3000

# 33 Rapit Urtano

# 34 Mc Laren MS A

# 35 Bomberos,Fire Chief

# 36 Servicio Medico

# 37 Taximetro

# 38 Vokswagen escarabajo

# 39 Ferrari 301


Bob Frassinetti, today Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Posted by frassinetti at 12:19 PM EST
Monday, 14 February 2011
Toy Theory
Topic: Toy Museum News



TOy Theory: What Toys Can Teach Us About Business

 Matt Cohen is an MBA and a writer for MAD Magazine. Read more at www.UnexpectedExperts.com Posted: February 9, 2011 10:56 PM



Toy Fair -- the game and toy industry's annual expo -- starts on Sunday, so I thought it might interesting to take a look at game theory. I confess that I was mildly disappointed when I first learned that game theory had nothing to do with Othello, Trivial Pursuit, or Risk. Instead, game theory is concerned with "games" like Dictator, Ultimatum, and the famous Prisoner's Dilemma. These memorable scenarios are used as models for solving real-world problems.

Game theory is a study in strategy--how we play against other players with the end goal of winning. (Or at least maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage.) Game theory is a wonderful tool for determining optimal strategies, but most people don't have time for strategy in their work. Instead, their days are filled with the simple goal of getting the job done on time and on budget: Finish the presentation. Write the proposal. Manufacture the product. Meet the sales quota.

If game theory is for strategy, perhaps we can develop a similar tool set to help with daily operations: Let's call it "toy theory." Using the toy metaphor, here are five examples of toy theory that can be learned from your favorite playthings.

1. The Wind-Up Theory: One broken gear can stop the whole thing from running. The corollary to manufacturing should be self-evident.

2. The Construction Set Theory: When starting a new venture, look at your assets and core competencies to see what you can make out of them. If you have a set of traditional Lego blocks, your best option may be to construct a building. There is a reason, after all, why the standard pieces are called "bricks." Suppose instead you have a set of Zoob, which is another construction toy. Zoob pieces come together to form joints and they have parts that look like eyes and claws. Your best bet may be to build some sort of animal, bug, or alien. The properties of Lego bricks are suited towards architecture, whereas the Zoob pieces lend themselves towards organic creatures. Yes, you can use pretty much any construction set to build anything you dream of, but different sets lend themselves to different types of play. As they say, play to your strengths.


3. The Woody's Roundup Theory: When collecting assets, the value of two assets is simply equal to the sum of their separate values--unless you can bundle together assets that will complement each other. This will make the merged set of assets worth more to an outside investor. From the perspective of a toy collector:


For unrelated toys, the value of the toys together is equal to the sum of the values of each toy seperately: (The Value of (Woody + Buzz)) = (Value of Woody) + (Value of Buzz)



For toys that are part of a set, the combined value is significantly greater than seperate values of each toy: (The Value of (Woody + Jessie + Bullseye + Stinky Pete)) > (Value of Woody) + (Value of Jessie) + (Value of Bullseye) + (Value of Stinky Pete)

This is true whether you are expanding your product portfolio through R&D or whether you are expanding the scope of the entire company of companies through M&A.

4. The Action Figure Theory: You can often achieve better results by collaborating with other partners (even though those partners can sometimes be your competitors when you shift from creative play to competitive gamesmanship.) You can play both Luke and Darth Vader and have a good time, but there's more unexpected discovery when you have a friend play half the parts.

5. The AA Battery Theory: If accountants played with Tickle Me Elmo, they would point out that keeping the toy supplied with batteries adds to the total cost of ownership.

Finally, a meta-lesson concerning the interaction of game theory and toy theory: Remember the game Mouse Trap? The goal of the game was to eliminate the other players--the last player standing wins the game. But you didn't play it that way, did you? Mouse Trap was both a game and a toy. Most people ignore the game aspect of Mouse Trap and instead focused on playing with the really cool toy. It was fun to set up and it was fun to set the chain reaction in motion. The game component of Mouse Trap couldn't compete with the toy component of Mouse Trap.

Applying this observation back to business, daily operations aren't necessarily fun, but they are necessary. How often does the need to deal with toy theory distract from the task of focusing on game theory?

Posted by frassinetti at 9:47 AM EST
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Travel Guide for Argentina
Topic: Bob Frassinetti
Argentina Arts and Antiques for the Traveler by Bob Frassinetti Travel Guide from San Telmo and Buenos Aires to All Argentina, from Arts to Antiques from A to Z from Gallery and Street Art to Flea Markets and Auctions in and around all Argentina: http://wbxapp.com/arts-antiques-argentina

Posted by frassinetti at 10:38 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 13 February 2011 10:42 AM EST
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Arte + Juguetes Retro
Topic: Toy Museum News
nuestra propuesta de Arte + Juguetes Retro y Clasicos Argentinos 


Me dirijo a Ud. a fin de formalizar el ofrecimiento del Buenos Aires Toy Museum para realizar en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano de La Plata una muestra integral de Arte contemporáneo + Juguetes Retro y clásicos Argentinos.


Nuestra propuesta consiste en un abordaje artístico de los juguetes, entendiendo que se trata de objetos culturales y de diseño de gran importancia; reflejos artísticos de su época.

En este sentido es que desarrollamos un concepto amplio en donde estos objetos lúdicos y artísticos de producción nacional se combinan con la muestra de las producciones de pintores y artistas de nuestro tiempo.


Las piezas de arte son combinadas con los juguetes y de este modo aportan una concepción artística y estética inherente a cada una de las piezas en exhibición.


El atractivo esencial de los juguetes de producción nacional durante el período mencionado es dual. Por un lado está el valor cultural ineludible que presentan para las generaciones que crecieron jugando con aquellas piezas y que las atesoran como reflejos de un momento histórico específico. Pero quizá tan importante como éste,  es el aporte histórico de dichas piezas que favorecieron el posicionamiento de la industria juguetera argentina en el plano internacional. Si bien los juguetes argentinos desde los inicios de la producción industrial en nuestro país en la década del 50 se han caracterizado por su calidad y diseño, con este nuevo giro en la industria se alcanza un status mayor. Aquellas empresas de renombre en los países centrales tales como Hasbro, Mattel, Solido, etc que concibieron y produjeron estos juguetes, eligieron a la Argentina como localización perfecta para que estos juguetes norteamericanos y europeos pudieran ingresar al mercado latinoamericano con una impronta cultural propia. Es así que aquellos modelos fueron sutilmente modificados en las plantas argentinas y de allí distribuidos tanto en el país como en países vecinos de la región.

Esta nota distintiva es el resultado del conocimiento profundo que hemos desarrollado sobre nuestras piezas producto de años de investigación y colaboración con coleccionistas y empresarios nacionales de la rama. Lo que nos ha permitido reponer en su amplitud estética y artística al objeto lúdico como objeto cultural.


La exhibición consta de muebles temáticos especialmente confeccionados para este propósito los juguetes en exhibición son los siguientes:


- Autitos die cast de producción nacional por las marcas Buby, Muky y Jet

- Autos de juguete de caucho de la famosa marca Duravit

- Autos de Juguete de Roller, Gorgo, Corgi y Galgo

- Juguetes de circo de lata, madera, plástico

- Animalitos de felpa de producción nacional

- Figuras de acción de marcas internacionales cuya producción para el mercado Latinoamericano se concentró en la Argentina, como:

 GI Joe

 He Man





-Muñecas argentinas

-Mi Pequeño Pony


- Figuritas argentinas Basuritas en todas sus series que evidencian la convergencia entre lo lúdico y lo artístico en tanto diseño y caricaturas.


Buenos Aires Toy Museum es una propuesta cultural integral con más de 10 años de trabajo, en donde se combina la recuperación histórica y cultural de juguetes hechos o encontrados en la argentina, y las producciones de jóvenes artistas argentinos y latinoamericanos de nuestro tiempo que trabajan la temática del juego y la infancia, la fantasía y la creatividad.


Con un acervo de más de 10,000 juguetes propios el Buenos Aires Toy Museum ha desarrollado su primera muestra conceptual en el BAC, British Arts Center que consiste en una muestra de algunos de juguetes y juegos, y como obras de arte del joven artista porteño Juan Francisco Adaro.

A partir de la repercusión que resulta de la exhibición del mes de Julio, que estará concluyendo el 6 de Agosto, tenemos la intención de continuar mostrando nuestros juguetes y obras de arte. 


La muestra itinerante de Arte + Juguetes Retro y Clasicos Argentinos, gracias a la variedad de piezas propias con las que trabajamos nunca se repite.


Nuestra propuesta incluye muebles íntegramente diseñados para la ocasión que han sido concebidos especialmente para resaltar las cualidades intrínsecas de las piezas en exhibición, de una manera novedosa y vanguardista, en el marco de un approach temático.


Hemos desarrollado un abordaje propio para revalorizar la historia de los juguetes argentinos en términos didácticos y lúdicos al mismo tiempo que resaltamos sus cualidades estéticas, artísticas y de diseño. Justamente gracias al trabajo de investigación llevado adelante por el Buenos Aires Toy Museum, contamos con producciones propias que detallan la historia de los juguetes exhibidos revalorizando de este modo su contexto de producción al mismo tiempo que las características intrínsecas de cada una de las piezas.


Por eso nuestra propuesta de Arte + Juguetes Retro y Clasicos Argentinos atrae tanto a niños como jóvenes y adultos. Es una muestra polifacética que interesa también a los hombres y mujeres de nuestro tiempo que valoran la cultura Retro, los juguetes de antaño principalmente aquellos de las décadas del 70 y 80, donde el diseño local de vanguardia y las expresiones artísticas ligadas a la temática retro-clásica de los juegos y juguetes se expresaron tan profusamente. Dentro de este amplio espectro de público, el interés particular de artistas, curadores y coleccionistas de arte y juguetes encuentran un abordaje integral y novedoso.




Posted by frassinetti at 10:42 AM EST

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