Mazinger Z Robot Argentina
Mazinger Z Robot Argentina
Mazinger Z Robot Argentina: Robot's from Argentina. During the last few decades, toy robots have regained popularity because of the new impulse given by collectible space items. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum holds a spectacular collection of robots made or found in Argentina, as well as a very interesting input of information on the subject. This huge task of collecting and searching information is the result of a very hard work carried on by our team of specialists. It may seem simple to define a robot, most of us would describe the first of those metallic invented creatures as one, though it's quite more complicated to come up with a general definition for robots, since there are quite a lot of variations and differences among them, which make much more complicated to come up with a general definition. The word Robot became popular in 1922 when the Czech writer Karel Capek used it in his play R.U.R to refer to a bunch of animated creatures -created by the leading man of the story- whose main task was to work. Etymologically the word meant slave or servant in Czech, but it was redefined because of this new meaning as a servant or salve that was specially created to work instead of its creator. As a general approach to the subject we can say that robots are machines or devices that move independently, they might be defined as a combined and mechanical system of computation and sensors that receive information through various means in order to act on it through pre-established technical or physical maneuvers. Nowadays there are many types of robots that adjust to this general definition. For example androids; these look alike humans, are what we usually refer to as robots. However there are much more robots than we acknowledge as such, take for example the mobiles, these machinery that has the ability to move from one place to another independently of an immediate indication from outside, are also robots in spite of the fact that they don' t have any esthetical similarity to humans. The medical ones are specially prosthesis control systems. And the industrial robots, very common in these days, are machinery specially designed to carry on pre-established tasks within the working places. In spite of all the esthetic and functional differences, all these robots share a common origin and mechanism. It's quite interesting to find scale reproductions of each and every one of these robots with which millions of children play and that many adults collect because of their cultural, historical and esthetic value. Regarding robots history, it was very common to hear during the fifties that by the next millenium there would be intelligent creatures created by man. This hasn't happened, nonetheless the amount of scientific progress in this field it's bringing much closer the possibility of that to happen. As it happens in every other aspect of life, toys have reflected the boom of robots. At first the design of these toys showed hard angled lines using clockwork mechanisms. Japanese wind-up tin robots from early 30s and 40s are the last expression of that esthetic trend in robot design. These toys were mostly made in tin, though it was during mid 50s and 60s when plastic became the newest material in toy manufacturing, and was also incorporated into the toy robot production and design. During was is commonly known as the Atomic Era and -may be- as a reflection of the competition between the US and the URSS those hard lines in the design of toy robots were left behind, now they used rounded edges and smoother lines, plus this toys had become battery operated. It was during the sixties when these androids appearance evolved into more human features, but paradoxically it was also then when the demand for these kind of toys dropped dramatically. These amazing pieces of art, that once were the best possible present for kids, are now greatly valued collectible toys, because of their esthetic and design, the technical evolution of the itema, and because, of course, they are a trade mark of a time in men's history. In honor to this, the Buenos Aires Toy Museum includes a special permanent exhibition on Toy Robots showing defined high quality photos on the items, plus a great deal of information on the subject both for the collector and the curious net surfer. . For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. and keep updated with our Toy Museum Blog and News . Press here to go to the Toy Museum Blog:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.
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Mazinger Z Argentina
Mazinger Z Argentina 
Mazinger Z is a manga cartoon created by Go Nigai in 1972 for a magazine called Shonen Jump. Though this wasn't the first manga ever, it is somewhat considered to be the stepping stone for this art movement. It was first published as a magna comic. 13 volumes through 1972-1973 told this Robot's and friends' stories and adventures. Soon after that this manga would become an international success and it was during the late 80s when it was adapted for the American television as a sort of animated cartoon. Being the first manga done specifically for a U.S. release. Mazinger was also know as Kurogane No Shiro (The Fortress of Iron), TranZor Z (U.S. name), Great Mazinger. The story narrated in Mazinger Z is that of two archeologists who discovered the remains of a previous society, an advanced civilization who had developed the ability of building gigantic robots and maneuvering them too. The two archeologists, Dr. Hell and Dr. Kabuto interpret the potentialities of that great discovery differently. The first one aims to take advantage of these robots in order to conquer the world, the other, is not willing to have his discovery used for evil purposes. They would set apart and meanwhile Dr. Hell is willing to take his evil plan to the last consequences, even killing Dr. Kabuto, this last one has a back up plan. He builts a robot for good and teaches his grandson Koji Kabuto how to maneuver it before he's killed by Dr. Hell. That robot built by Dr. Kabuto is Mazinger Z, for it was built with a special material known as Z alloy. Mazinger Z is an 18 meter tall robot, piloted by a human. It has "Photon Rocket beams" able to fire from its eyes and rocket fists. Mazinger was controlled from the Pilder Hovercraft, located in his head. Mazinger was far more agile thanks to the humanly controlled pilder, however this bond meant also that the robot's injuries in return hurted the pilot too. For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the Toy Museum :The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. and keep updated with our Toy Museum Blog and News . Press here to go to the Toy Museum Blog:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Updated in 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.