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The Buenos Aires Toy Museum

Toy Museum Argentina


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Welcome to The Buenos Aires Toy Museum.

The Buenos Aires Toy Museum is a world made out of dreams, desires, memories and illusions, yours and mine, that belong to anyone that once was a child. Because in the end, playing is a way of building bridges between reality and fiction; its the possibility of taking yourself to an imaginary world, while being awake. Toys, therefor, are the raw material for these bridges.


This website opens its doors to everyone that wishes to take part on this amazing journey. We welcome kids and adults, amateurs and professionals!

When I was a child,- may be not a child, but that’s the way I remember it- I read a story about a child who traveled to a Toy country where he met all his favorite fairy tale characters with which he went through the most fabulous adventures. While working to develop this project I feel like I’m inside that story… ‘cause dreaming its not only a matter of kids, and though we can’t stop time’s going by, our illusions shouldn’t be lost in the vortex of “adult lifestyle”.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1996

Flor Rodriguez,  Editer and Toy Museum Team from 1996 to 2006.




The Buenos Aires Toy Museum is a virtual museum of games and  Argentine toys as well as
a permanent exhibition, that’s always offering its visitors new features on the antique toy world. We daily work to contribute to the conservation of the historical and cultural patrimony of our country.

At the moment we –Argentinean toy lovers-  face a terrible problem, the lack of governmental interest in toys’ –both items and their history- conservation. Hence the importance of this project to preserve part of our past. At a time where traditional toys have lost their value in relation to the electronic games, we think that it is of great relevance to highlight the historical and present interest of these products as an inextricable part for the developing of children’s learning and interactive skills as well as to understand many of these toys as concrete expressions of our culture.

At the BA Toy Museum you’ll find all kinds of antiques and vintage toys; items of all forms and colors made out of
tin, metal, plastic or other materials with which dolls, robots, accessories, vehicles and figurines had been made throughout history.  All of these are bits of culture that have touched each and every one of us in many different ways. Our museum offers the visitor rich information on all toys and games throughout history, because the intention of the museum is not that the visitor merely observes the items but that he learns about them too.

This museum is an ideal place for collectors searching for information and vintage toys. At the Buenos Aires Toy Museum you can find and acquire those hard to find items made in Argentina.

We would like to clarify that we do not sell all our exhibited items; we only sell those items of which the amount stored in our museum exceeds the three units. Considering the lack of official or deprived support, we are ourselves forced to commercialization as a way of financing the bigger project.

In order for the  Buenos Aires Toy Museum to keep on developing research  projects and permanent exhibitions on vintage toys and games, financial aid of all of those who are interested in this project is not only well accepted but necessary. If you want to participate in the construction of this museum you can send us “journalistic donations”- articles on vintage toys, collaborations (interviews, articles and others) or historical input data. Thus we will manage to increase our permanent exhibition to the service of all vintage toy lovers.

History of the most important Argentinean toy factories



The toy industry in Argentina flourished only after the Second World War, until then kids used to play with foreign toys.

Since 1948 and because of the military disaster caused by the war, European and Japanese military-theme toys were copied by the local industry, especially because they began to lack of appeal and entertainment qualities once the war began, so they stopped producing them.

The very low production cost of these toys for the Argentinean industry translated into a wider market, to which much more consumers could access; therefore because of the war we can witness the birth of Argentinean mass-production warfare-toy industry. Also many companies began to include this kind of action figures and vehicles, related to war, in their catalogs. As an example, we can find the Birmania company -owned by Alejandro Beltramino- produced soldiers as well as their complements, such as camouflage boats, trenches, bags’ parapets, and barbed wire fences. Talin - Natalio Avondoglio’s company- was the commercial house of the very famous Mambrú action figures that copied, form the British company Timpo, the matrix of the American troops who fight on the Second W.W., showing a superior quality than the original one because of the quality of the paint used on the figure. Together with these, the company produced heavy marching soldiers and horseback riding grenadiers –about 90 mm.- translating the European military theme to our patriotic wars.

The nationalization occurred on the warlike toy industry, rapidly spread out towards all the other branches. EGToys ( Ezio Guggiari’s company) entered the market with the La Granja de Don Fabián –Don Fabián´s Farmhouse- with Talin matrixes. So, the scenery was no longer the battle filed but the typical Argentinean style Countryside with ranches, a mud volcano, the Asado, Gauchos as well as chickens.

Hence we witness not only the nationalization of production, but also the nationalization of the themes.

The North American Jeep Loco –Crazy Jeep-, was copied and “Argentinized” by the Vispa Company. The original one showed a funny and clumsy cowboy riding a jeep; the Argentinean version changed the cowboy for a local farmer –Estanciero- switching the Texas hat for a chamberguito pampeano –local type of hats-.

Initially these toys were made out of tin, later on, with the industrial progress, they were made out of plastic, including the famous lead soldiers that had been forbidden because of the material’s toxicity.

For a long time, toys were not designed in the country; when possible, the original foreign matrixes were adapted to national images by Argentinean toy companies.

Grafil, owned by Francisco Grasso, copied the models of the British company Britans; specializing on circus figures, adding to the British production a Lilliputian couple, he had a frac, a silk hat, and a cane; she wore an evening gown and a capelina.


The Vispa and the Halcon –specialized on child vehicles- companies merged to produce toy airplanes: the Mirage, the Piper and the Boeing 707 where the most famous ones. They also re-launched the carzy jeep, changing the rider: the Estanciero, Pepe the soldier or Tony the clown, depending on the version. By 1954, this company creates the first Argentinean toy rail train: Expreso Andino. Later on the Tren Loco, El Monorriel argentino and many wind up toy animals; all of them were made out of tin.

The Azcárate Hnos. & Escoda had the Sulky-Ciclo, which manufactured the sulky named after it, a pedal vehicle that showing on the front one or two ponies –depending on the version. These were made out of leather, underneath which an iron structure was covered with papier maché. Also with a pedal system they created a red tractor with a coupled cart, the Canciller. They also created a racecar very similar to the Masseratti model; bought by the mega Fifth Avenue toy store FAO Schwartz, this toy was included in their 1957 catalogue.

From 1921 to 1957, the Matarazzo company- lead in the food industry- developed many tin toys; among the most famous ones: the wind up cuatrimotor DC-4, a typical bus from Buenos Aires City, a firemen truck and a First World war tank.

The Bubby Company –1957 to 1992- produced scale toy cars such as Estanciera IKA and the Cross Country Rambler; at a much smaller extent they also produced other kind of toy vehicles. 

Also on toy-car production the Gorgo Hnos., latter Gorgo S.A., developed friction cars much better and faster than the wind up ones.

During the 1950s’ –soon after Barbie’s appearance- we find the Argentinean version of the prefect woman’s doll: Marilú. The company that gave her birth shared the doll’s name. This doll had a very deep impact on Argentinean girls, who where astonished because of the variety and detail of their new girlfriend: the big-size model or a smaller one; artificial or natural hair, and –of course- the most huge wardrobe a girl could dream of.

Other very important industrial toy firms were: San Mauricio, Saxo that produced battery toys; Galgo, Arturito, manufacturing metal and wooden spinning tops; Rodeo, specialized on toy guns imitating the Colt Frontier; Ideal, that used a one-of-a-kind metallic plastic; Bambi, Chivi, which produced the first Argentinean plastic Bat Mobil; Duravit, that produced unbreakable rubber cars; Hércules,  (likewise Birmania) specialized on amphibian vehicles. Terry (between 1935 and 1937) Carlos Rodríguez Zamboni’s Company, Austradia from 1953 and Roche between 1963 y 1975, both owned by Fernando Chedel, were very important national toy companies.

Nevertheless the important toy variety the Argentinean industry produced, boy’s most favorite toy was for a very long time:  soldiers, either lead or plastic ones. In this field, the most originality came of hand of Karl Sommer, who between 1947 y 1966 manufactured with his own matrixes and by the brand of Sudetia soldiers, cowboys, Indians, Arabs, Africans, wild animals and circus figures of about 35 cm. height. Together with Sommer’s we must put Ernesto Wernicke’s production, his company Viruta developed native figures: gauchos, Spanish conquerors even Chinese from the Ming dynasty.

By the 1970s’ because of the very low cost of the working force, foreign companies –especially North American- brought their matrixes to the country, therefore lowering their production and import cost, which translated into a decrease of their prices for the local market. Thus occurred with Star Wars action figures. By 1980 the television cartoon series He-Man action figures were also locally produced.

Nowadays, because of the social and economic crisis our country is going through, most of the companies mentioned above had to stop their production and close their doors. One of the resultants is that most Argentinean kids play with imported or homemade toys.

The once great national toy industry is now part of the past, yearned by many of the grown children of today.








At the Buenos Aires Toy Museum we are much aware of the historical importance of certain collectibles. These are items that have become cultural icons, meaning that they express a certain way of life, a design trend, a view of the world.

Because we care about history and culture, because many toy collectors have emailed us regarding this matter, and because your need matters to us,  we’ve organized a specialized team of craftsmen to produce scale reproductions of  these collectibles at your request!


For further information visit our gift shop or contact us directly.



Soon The Buenos Aires 3D Toy Museum
The Buenos Aires 3D Toy Museum and Art Gallery
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum Real Estate Project



For all of us that work to develop the Buenos Aires Toy Museum is very important that our readers know and understand the work methodology with which we make possible east project.

Our work strategy combines three different stages.


When we began to develop the museum as an integral project we first evaluated the necessity and purpose of its existence taking in consideration in our analysis the public to which we targeted the project. This allowed us to come up with a general concept at the same time that we clarified some general limits and objectives on which to work

The second stage begins with the real development of the museum, data collection, new investigations, search of pieces related to theme of the project and the connections with those particular companies and people who we believed had to be contemplated in the Museum’s structure because of their inputs within the toy industry. At the same time we’ve contacted specialists that helped us in our daily work.

The third stage is merely focused on the developing of specialized articles with the obtained data; the first outcomes of our research projects, the interviews in crude and the selected data of different sources, have to be organized in an organic whole that can be transmitted  to our reading public. This does not imply absolutely that the scientific precision is lost, since the specialists who have contributed their knowledge participate actively next to the Writing team so that the central ideas and the precise data stay unalterable beyond rhetoric uses.
Finally, the staff of the Museum choose the technical and physical supports that make possible the development and the spreading of the project, adapting the obtained informative base, the selected pieces, the imposed objectives and the economic limitations, to the requirements of our visitors, looking for the greater possible effectiveness in the diffusion and excellence.
Each step is connected to the previous one, and is the base to develop the following one, it’s a constant increasing elliptic development  of knowledge.


We apply this technique to all our research projects for its our organizational structure. This method has allowed us to advance to where today we are and to be optimistic as far as being able to surpass to us in the future.


Bob Frassinetti. Copyright©1996-2009. Robert Dario Frassinetti. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The  Buenos Aires Toy Museum we buys all kinds of toys made in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and other countries of South America,  industrialized, made in series, or hand crafted. Also we acquire all kinds of action figures produced in such countries during the decades of ´70, ´80 ´90. If you have any doubts about authenticity contact us at by email or through our ICQ ID: 78541000, our Messanger Yahoo ID: to artdealer_ar or by telephone to (054) (11) 1569651955 or in Argentina, 0111569651955.


Monday through Friday from 11AM. to 8 PM. Saturdays and Sundays from 12 AM to 6PM


More Information email The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Press this Link

Alquiler de Juegos y Juguetes del Museo del Juguete
Alquiler de Juegos y Juguetes por el Museo del Juguete

Price: $9000  Sale price: $7600 

Buby La Historia en Fotos por Lucien C. L. Brousse
Buby La Historia en Fotos por Lucien C. L. Brousse Diecast toys made by Buby from 1957 to 1995

Price: $100.00 

Legend of Time Tunnel By Marcel Abeal

Legend of Time Tunnel By Marcel Abeal

ISBN 978-987-022774-8

Price: $15.00  Sale price: $9.99 

Próximamente el Art and Toy en 3D, el primer Museo y Gallería en la Argentina y  Bob Frassinetti junto a un grupo de Inversionistas Nacionales e Internacionales, lanzan el primer Boutique Hotel y Gallería de arte y Museo de Juguete proyectado por la zona de norte oeste de la Provincia de Cordoba, Argentina.
Un exitoso modelo de inversión inmobiliaria que permite ser dueño y huésped a la vez, participar no solo obteniendo una mayor rentabilidad en el alquiler de la unidad y la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios del hotel a través de una membrecía especial, pero también disfrutar to todo los servicios del lugar ............
BIENVENIDOS A BUENOS AIRES TOY MUSEUM El Buenos Aires Toy Museum tiene el inmenso placer de invitarte a conocer pronto su nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D, donde encontrarias nuevas secciones, notas, entrevistas a fabricantes, investigaciones, concursos, subastas, cientos de fotos sobre los juguetes y figuritas producidos en la Argentina a lo largo de la historia y una breve resena sobre cada uno de ellos. Nuestra intencion como miembros del primer museo del juguete argentino es que este sitio no se convierta en una mera exposicion sino en un espacio de conocimiento y aprendizaje para todo aquel que la visita, y en pos de este fin es que desarrollamos esta nueva pagina. Nuestros equipos periodisticos, de investigacion y de diseno trabajaron duramente para hacer esto posible, y lo siguen haciendo en vi¬as de su perfeccionamiento. Esperamos que nuestro nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D sea de tu agrado y que te conviertas en un asiduo visitante del museo, que semana a semana se actualizara para brindarte una mayor informacion y un mejor servicio.
For more information :Email: The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go to the BA Toy Museum on Face Book:The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, on Face Book, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2010 2017. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

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The Buenos Aires Toy Museum
Buenos Aires Toy Museum